Hydrogen the Ultimate Anti-Aging Tech
Hundreds of studies in the years since have been published showing hydrogen as a safe and effective rehabilitation technology for over 150 disease models. Learn how it works.
Dear friends and colleagues,
Supposedly 13.8 Billion Years Ago, the Universe was born, filling up physical space with hydrogen. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. All the hydrogen in the universe has its origin in the first few moments after the Big Bang. It is the third most abundant element on the Earth's surface after oxygen and silicon. Hydrogen and oxygen become water. Thus, hydrogen is the most abundant atom in our bodies.
The story of hydrogen as a wellness technology officially began in 2007 when Japanese scientists discovered that H2 has antioxidant properties that protect the brain against I/R injury and stroke by selectively neutralizing hydroxyl radicals. (Source)
Hundreds of studies in the years since have been published showing hydrogen as a safe and effective rehabilitation technology for over 150 disease models.
There’s no single factor contributing to longevity; however, that does not stop us from wanting to know how to live longer and healthier. Some medical scientists believe that we may have reached our maximum limits for height, lifespan, and physical performance.
A recent review suggests humans have biological limitations and that anthropogenic impacts on the environment affect these limits. In Medicine, with pollution and radiation exposure heading higher, there was reason to despair until hydrogen came along.
Scientists have a pipeline full of promising anti-aging compounds waiting for human trials, yet un-patentable hydrogen is not on their list. According to Joe Betts-Lacroix, the antiaging business is “an $8 billion industry of stuff that doesn’t work.” He believes the key to longevity is the prevention of degenerative disease.
Hydrogen works for prevention and healing, offering great results even in ICU and emergencies. Hydrogen, the smallest, simplest atom and molecule in existence (H- and H2), is the safest tool for prolonging our existence.
Molecular hydrogen acts as a mighty antioxidant, helping defend cells and genes from the damage caused by harmful free radicals. This property, combined with its anti-inflammatory effects, helps enhance longevity because aging is caused by tissue degeneration, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
Some Silicon Valley executives follow weird revitalization fads. They think the code of aging can be hacked, and death is made optional. Just wait till they discover the anti-aging miracle of molecular hydrogen, which makes surviving under great stress much more manageable. Just ask deep-sea divers what they are breathing to stay alive at depths of almost 2000 feet. Hydrogen!
Now with hydrogen inhalation therapy, supported with increased oxygen delivery, we can stretch our years beyond all expectations while we enjoy peak health during that time. To get an in-depth research review, please read our article on molecular hydrogen benefits.
Hydrogen Inhalation Machines
We've been using hydrogen inhalation now since two years and tried many different molecular hydrogen systems. After months we finally found the best technology and bring these two systems for our customers - one is light-weight 150 mL/min H2 Inhalation machine and the other is a full-featured molecular hydrogen system that provides 600 mL/min H2 with an optional upgrade of adding 300 mL/min of O2. Both provide hydrogen-rich water and molecular hydrogen inhalation and require no technical maintenance, you just need to add purified or distilled water to use.
We welcome your enquiries and also work closely with practitioners including physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, functional medicine practitioners and natural medicine doctors among many others. There are always have special offers and opportunities for practitioners.
If you're looking for PEMF systems, check out our PEMF machines page for some of the best systems at the best price or visit our wellness technologies section for other technologies that we believe in.
As always, please feel free to write back to us if you have any questions. We look forward to serving you well.